Can’t seem to get this working for me. I’ve got the plugin installed, I’ve got 28 fields in my weblog with the seventh to be the title. I’ve got the csv file uploaded. This is my template:
{exp:csvgrab url=”” weblog=”4” title=”7” skip=”0” delimiter=”TAB” encloser=”” use=”1|2|3|4|5|6|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29”
fields=”first-name|middle-name|last-name|prefix|formal-salutation|informal-salutation|informal-addressee|marital-status|street-1|street-2|city|state|zip|phone|email-address|company|date-entered|date-last-action|last-action-by|last-action|total-giving|average-giving|largest-gift|number-donations|first-donation-date|last-donation-amount|last-donation-date” }
Does it matter what template this goes in? Nothing is happening for me.
[Mod Edit: Modified the title to be more informative.]
I did this and it still doesn’t work for me… I’ve even gotten this to work before for a massive dbase but I’ve messed it up somehow:
Here is the code I am using: {exp:csvgrab url=”” weblog=”4” title=”1” delimiter=”COMMA” encloser=”QUOTE” use=”1” fields=”merchant2_name” }
this is in template working/index and when I point the browser to it all I get is the forever loading response.
I am missing something really simple - what can it be?
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