I’m using a Fluid field that has bunch of Relationship fields that link to each “module”. My list is taller than my browser height and items in my fluid list get cut off. There needs to be some CSS to help when this happens. Something like:
.fluid .dropdown { max-height: 100vh; overflow: auto; }
As a quick workaround until EE has this in the install, you can update /themes/ee/cp/css/common.min.css and at the very end you can add: .fluid .dropdown{max-height:100vh;overflow:auto}
It’s minified so be careful. I messed up the formatting thinking it should have a comma after the last item or something, and my control panel wouldn’t show any css. I had to redownload EE and copy that common.min.css back to the server and that fixed it because there’s some caching issues. Hope this helps someone in the meantime
Thanks for posting this. Our team was just discussing last week how we’re not convinced that the new relationship field is where we want it. Do you mind posting this as a bug since it seems that the UI is breaking for you, along with any screenshots you can provide. Thanks!
Bug report link: https://github.com/ExpressionEngine/ExpressionEngine/issues/new?assignees=&labels;=&template=1-EE6-bug-report.md
just posted it as a bug. I think one of the biggest things EE could do is to make some type of page builder so clients can drag and drop modules or channels on a page. I’ve sort of accomplished that with the Fluid field and Relationship field, but I feel it’s sort of a weird way to do this. First the client has to go create a channel entry for a specific module, then they can go back to this entry and add it from the Fluid Field and relate it to that entry. I feel the Fluid you should be able to add something and it slides down all the options right there to create a new entry for that module. This way a client could add multiple modules from within that entry/page. Anywho
Thanks for posting that. I see the issue in Github. Regarding the page builder, I’ll add another vote for that internally. A lot of people do use various combinations with the native fluid fields or the Bloqs add-on to accomplish functionality that resembles a page builder while still using the power of structured content in EE. I understand that what you’re referring to would be a lot more built out and end-user friendly though.
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