Receiving the following error message in 1.03:
Notice: Undefined index: status in /home/hidden/public_html/system/extensions/ext.edit_remember.php on line 181
This is a 1.5.0 install instead of a 1.5.1 install. Might that be the issue?
Edit: Same problem on my 1.5.1 install.
Thanks for that sigork. 1.0.6 has the correct version number and handles “open” v. “Open” better.
As for the “Draft” status, I assume that it exists under one of your weblog’s custom status groups? The extension pulls out all your statuses and populates the list (so you don’t have to choose a weblog to choose a status).
I think it speaks for the flexibility of EE, though, that you actually can do all these things with a simple extension, no hacks needed. Of course, first somebody like Mark had to come along… Which is as good an opportunity as any, I suppose, to say a big, loud, heartfelt “Thank you” to him.
I posted earlier today about this, but I think I put that in the wrong spot… so let me ask here.
I had selected “Comments” from a pulldown on the main Edit page. Now, ALL I see when I select the Edit tab is comments, and because the comments search/edit area doesn’t have the pulldowns at the top, I have no way to break out of this cycle.
How can I get back to the regular edit menu? Can Edit Remember ignore Comments (or something like that)? Help with this issue would be greatly appreciated as my local development site is a little tough to edit right now 😊 .
I supposed I could disable the extension….
Wow, this is really strange! See attached pic, and disregard my silly testing comments.
All I can remember is that I was testing comments and how to moderate them and edit them. I believe I clicked the Edit tab. Then I selected “Comments” from the pulldown just to the left of the “Search” button, without entering any keywords. That brought up just the comments, I believe. At that point there was no going back! Because when you filter for comments only, there are no pulldowns at the top. So, I clicked “Edit” and voila…comments! There was no way to select another weblog, or “Titles and Entries” or anything else.
I then disabled the Extension, selected a different weblog, made a dummy edit, clicked “Edit” and it did the default behavior - not saving my Edit place. Ok, that’s fine. So, I went back to enable the extension, went back to Edit, and …whammo. Nothing but Comments! Now it’s really borked!
Am I missing something? I have had a really long 3 days of sitting here messing with EE…
FYI, using EE 1.5.2, Build: 20061128
Thanks, Mark. I installed this on my remote dev site, clicked “comments”, and got the dreaded comments screen where the pulldowns disappear (anyone at EE…why does this happen? What is the point of taking away the pulldowns?) And when I Click ‘Edit’, it works as advertised and ignores the “comment” criteria I just selected.
However, my local install is still hung up on editing those comments. I’m going to try in a different browser right now (maybe has something to do with cookies or sessions?) and then restart this browser as well to try and get back to normalcy.
Thanks again!
A little more research: I tried this on my local install in Safari (not my regular browser) and it worked OK. Problem is, I tried “Trackbacks” from that dropdown, and got caught in a Trackbacks loop.
I think the Extension needs to ignore both the Comments and Trackbacks screens - as they both hide the Edit Weblog Entries pulldowns areas.
I also quit FireFox (my regular browser) and fired it back up, went to the admin, clicked ‘Edit’ and got…comments. :grrr:
Maybe I need to delete cookies or something?
UPDATE I did indeed have a bad cookie in Firefox for my local install. Now if you could release v1.0.9 that ignores Trackbacks, you would be the man. Wait, you already are. 😊
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