I lodewijk, I’ll probably PM you the login stuff. Though at the moment I’m pulling my hair out tracking down strange IE 6 bugs so I’m in my rush to get this figured out. I hate, and I don’t use that word often, IE with a passion that surprises myself.
I’ve got just over 600 entries going back over 3 years. So that puts me more than most people, but not up on the power blogger level like say, Ruzin. lol. Thanks for the help guys, I appreciate it.
Sheesh, this really has got me stumped. I checked the query using the Database Query Form: that gives the right results. Somehow, somewhere along the way, the correct values seem to be overwritten or something. I think. Maybe. I tried about everything I can think of. If you want me to investigate further, I’ll need FTP access to edit the file. I understand completely if you hesitate to give me such access… You could also install my File Manager module, create an upload destination to your Plugins folder, chmod that folder to 777 and chmod the file pi.yearly_archives.php to 666. That way I can use the File Manager module to edit the plugin and isolate the culprit.
Yes! I’ve isolated the problem and solved it! It works on your site now, Leslie.
It had to do with years being seen as strings instead of integers by PHP. That messed up the range() function, which is an essential part of the plugin. But I’m afraid I don’t know why the script behaved that way. It probably has to do with some settings in PHP…
Anyhoo, I’ll add the changes I made to your copy of the plugin to my “master file”, so that won’t happen again.
Very cool! Thank you so much for the help. The site is up and running and I gave you a thanks on the about page.
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