great plugin but i get an error Notice: Undefined offset: 70 in /plugins/pi.eexcerpt.php on line 80 any ideas? help?
I’m getting the same error. Well, similar in that the offset number is different.
Notice: Undefined offset: 16 in /plugins/pi.eexcerpt.php on line 80
I think the problem is when there are extra spaces at the end of the line. For example, I have my short description line to cut off after 16 words. My content manager put in a 14 word phrase, but during the copy and paste, he ended up putting 2 or 3 extra spaces at the end of the line. This caused the error. Once I removed the spaces, it works fine.
Is there some extra code you can add that will truncate any extra white space at the end of the line?
{exp:eexcerpt if_exceeds="16" stop_after="16"}
I’m getting the same error as alterracoffee.
Notice: Undefined offset: 20 in /home/xxxx/public_html/xxxx/plugins/pi.eexcerpt.php on line 80
I am using it to generate a meta_description from my intro field.
meta_description="{exp:eexcerpt if_exceeds="21" stop_after="20"}{std-intro}{/exp:eexcerpt}"
It looks like the reason for the message is because there are only 19 words. If I add a few words or reduce the if exceeds=”21” to 19 I don’t get the error.
My PHP is no good enough to work out what needs changing to catch this, any ideas?
If peschehimself’s fix works, I can put that in the Plugin and update the “official” version.
I finally got around to testing this and it seems to work great. I just added the TRIM function here (line 56):
function word_limiter_plus($str, $if_Exceeds = 500, $stop_after = 500, $the_link = "")
// strip out the tags first
$searchcrap = array('@[removed]]*?>.*?[removed]@si', // Strip out javascript
'@<[\\/\\!]*?[^<>]*?>@si', // Strip out HTML tags
'@<style[^>]*?>.*?</style>@siU', // Strip style tags properly
'@<![\\s\\S]*?--[ \\t\\n\\r]*>@' // Strip multi-line comments including CDATA
$str = preg_replace($searchcrap, '', $str);
$str = trim($str);
Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but we’re having the same problem that is talked about in this discussion. We’ve implemented the change that DoubleM talks about in the posts above, but to no avail. Is there a character in the copy somewhere that is causing the problem? We’ve tried a bunch of stuff, but nothing can get rid of this message:
Notice: Undefined offset: 40 in /home1/heroicp1/public_html/sys-heroic/plugins/pi.eexcerpt.php on line 80
You can see it for yourself here.
Thanks for your help!
To make decent excerpts, I needed something that stripped out all tags first and then limited the remaining words, all in one fell swoop, so I combined those functions into one
I have a client using this for the meta description. Problem is that he has images first often and they are in the meta description….
Is there a way to remove image tags using this plugin?
{exp:eexcerpt if_exceeds="50" stop_after="40"}{summary}{/exp:eexcerpt}
Bruce I now use the Cleaner plugin from utilitEEs to produce my meta description. From things I read I don’t think it matters if the text goes over the character limit, they just get ignored.
I also use the Trimmer plugin from utilitEEs which has just added the option to trim before or after a specific character. I haven’t tried the two together but it might solve your problem.
Sorry to be a pain, but we’re hoping to go live on Monday and I’d really love to get rid of this error. Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this? Is there another plugin I could use that would both strip HTML tags out, and limit the words in order to create an excerpt? Thanks
Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but we’re having the same problem that is talked about in this discussion. We’ve implemented the change that DoubleM talks about in the posts above, but to no avail. Is there a character in the copy somewhere that is causing the problem? We’ve tried a bunch of stuff, but nothing can get rid of this message: Notice: Undefined offset: 40 in /home1/heroicp1/public_html/sys-heroic/plugins/pi.eexcerpt.php on line 80 You can see it for yourself here. Thanks for your help!
Did you check if the issue is resolved by my post above?
It doesn’t fix it if the fault is in the plugin in but it may allow you to find a way round it.
Or try TruncHTML.
Thanks a bunch guys, I really appreciate it. I agree with Paul in that the short ones that don’t have enough content might be the ones causing the problem. Seems strange though.
I’m looking into TruncHTML right now, though I know one reason that I liked the EExcerpt is that it both stripped P tags and everything else and limited words (not characters) but I think I could probably switch if I can’t figure out this issue.
P.S. I have no idea why I was writing in the third person (saying “we”) for awhile… I guess it was because I had to be logged into my companies account to be posting here… The “we” thing got weird though, had to switch. =)
This has been updated (and renamed). I put the latest version (1.1.0) at GitHub. There is a changelog there (scroll down). Let me know if it works for you.
Ryan, thanks so much for taking the time to look into this issue for me. My site is now working perfectly and should go live this week. (Should being the operative word there, I guess) I really appreciate it.
One thing I was going to bring up is that you may want to update both your plugin and your website’s instructions on how to use this plugin. It seems you changed the {exp:eexcerpt} tag to {exp:md_eexcerpt} which is fine and it didn’t take me that long to go into my templates and change the beginning and ending tags.
I notice the tags on your website haven’t been updated yet, which might be confusing. As well as the plugin itself when you browse to the plugins page talks about it and gives the wrong code at the end:
Wrap anything you want to be processed between the tag pairs. Works exactly like word_limit_plus, but strips tags.
{exp:md_eexcerpt if_exceeds="60" stop_after="40" append=" →" the_link="<a href='{title_permalink=weblog/comments}'>MORE...</a>"}text you want processed{/exp:eexcerpt}
This should include the md_eexcerpt at the end as well. Just letting you know.
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