I’d call this a bug, but it might be intentional. I just synced a bunch of files using file manager. I’m on ee5.3.2. Displaying them in a template, it seems that upload_date is being used instead of the actual file modified date (using the modified_date filed of the file entry).
I don’t really want to write a big SQL to correct this - much more comfortable with modifying the code if i can find it. I’m also REALLY trying to avoid having to wrap all these file entries in channel entries just to get data I need.
Any help appreciated. Mike
Well, I think I’ve narrowed this down.
The first group I of files I tried, I forgot to preserve timestamps when copying the files into their site folder. So I ran sync before realizing that, then again after I re-copied the files with timestamps preserved.
Then (after writing the OP) I ran a second group of files that I made sure to copy over with preserved timestamps. After syncing that dir, it displays fine with the actual modified dates.
My conclusion is that changing a file’s modified date and re-syncing will not trigger ee to update that file’s record. So, bug not feature (?).
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