I’m getting an error having to do with Detour Pro (I’ll paste the stack trace for this at the bottom). I assume this is because Detour Pro only works up to version 5, but when I removed the Detour Pro folder from my system/user/addons/ directory, I get this error:
Unable to load the following extension file:
I’m assuming this is because somewhere in the db there are references to loading Detour Pro. Not sure if that is the case or not, but either way how can I make EE not try to load Detour Pro (or any other non-compat addons I might run into next) anymore?
Here is the stack trace for the original error (the one that came up first while I still had the Detour Pro directory in my addons folder):
Error Caught
Class 'EEHarbor\DetourPro\FluxCapacitor\Bridge\EE' not found
Stack Trace: Please include when reporting this error
#0 user/addons/detour_pro/autoload.php(83): include()
#1 [internal function]: ExpressionEngine\Core\Application->{closure}('FluxCapacitor/F...')
#2 phar://by/Projects/tuck-exec-ed/zamp/user/addons/detour_pro/detour_pro.phar/FluxCapacitor/Base/Ext.php(25): spl_autoload_call('EEHarbor\\Detour...')
#3 user/addons/detour_pro/ext.detour_pro.php(29): EEHarbor\DetourPro\FluxCapacitor\Base\Ext->__construct()
#4 ee/legacy/libraries/Extensions.php(201): Detour_pro_ext->__construct(Array)
#5 ee/legacy/libraries/Extensions.php(117): EE_Extensions->call_class('Detour_pro_ext', 'sessions_start', Array, Array)
#6 ee/legacy/libraries/Session.php(125): EE_Extensions->call('sessions_start', Object(EE_Session))
#7 ee/legacy/core/Loader.php(1035): EE_Session->__construct(Array)
#8 ee/legacy/core/Loader.php(950): EE_Loader->_ci_init_class('session', '', Array, NULL)
#9 ee/legacy/core/Loader.php(172): EE_Loader->_ci_load_class('Session', NULL, NULL)
#10 ee/legacy/libraries/Core.php(281): EE_Loader->library('session')
#11 ee/legacy/core/Controller.php(77): EE_Core->run_ee()
#12 ee/legacy/core/Controller.php(99): EE_Controller->__construct()
#13 ee/ExpressionEngine/Core/Core.php(255): CP_Controller->__construct()
#14 ee/ExpressionEngine/Core/Core.php(118): ExpressionEngine\Core\Core->runController(Array)
#15 ee/ExpressionEngine/Boot/boot.php(162): ExpressionEngine\Core\Core->run(Object(ExpressionEngine\Core\Request))
#16 admin/index.php(154): require_once('...')
#16 admin/index.php(154): require_once('...')
Great points be jaygreentree. I would also recommend updating Detour Pro to the newest version. (Generally ideal to do that before upgrading)
Brimby, were you using the upgrade guide from the docs or somewhere else? When we released 5.4 we added a section specifically around Upgrading Major Versions and warnings (https://docs.expressionengine.com/v5/installation/updating.html), then in v6 docs we added a few more warnings around the add-on issue.
Since many add-ons hook into core functionality and thus must be ran when loading the CP or any pages on the site, there’s not really a way to just let everything run without them. Essentially the same functionality that gives add-ons the ability to extend EE is also the same thing that causes the CP to blow up when fatal errors are hit.
Add-ons are a commonly missed item in an upgrade that can easily cause lots of frustration after an upgrade. Please let me know where you think we should add it to the docs so it’s more clear to everyone how important this step is. We’ve been working on cleaning up the docs (long way to go there we know), so any ideas or thoughts would be great. thanks!
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