EEConf 2020 - Virtual Conference
9/21/2020 / By Andy McCormick

9/21/2020 / By Andy McCormick
Join members of the ExpressionEngine team and other EE Community members October 7th - 9th as we talk about the upcoming ExpressionEngine 6 release, business, add-on development, design, project management, and more at EEConf 2020!
This year, we’re excited to come alongside fellow platinum sponsor Consumer51 and others to make EEConf free for all! While 2020 didn’t allow us to meet in person, we’re looking forward to welcoming many more into our community through this year’s free event. This year’s conference will have a stronger focus on interaction with attendees through QA time during presentations, open discussion times, round tables, sponsor trade show booths, and more. Head on over to to reserve your spot and be a part of the conversation.
One of the things that makes EEConf special is that it is entirely organized by community volunteers. These organizers have faced the adversity of 2020 and worked tirelessly throughout the year to ensure that we’re still able to meet. While we are very much looking forward to seeing everyone in person at EEConf 2021 in Philly, we’re also looking forward to seeing many old friends virtually in 2020. We’ve said it many times, but ExpressionEngine would not be what it is without the great community that supports it. Throughout the conference, members of our team will be available at our trade show booth, where you can pop in virtually to ask questions about ExpressionEngine or anything else you would like to chat about.
As we mentioned above, EEConf is entirely community organized and depends on sponsors for support and to make things happen. We’re very proud to show our continued dedication to the community as a Platinum sponsor this year, and look forward to partnering with others to make this year and future years a success. If you would like to join us in sponsoring the conference, contact the organizing committee today!
Follow the conference on Twitter or in the EECMS Slack for all the latest news and updates regarding the conference! See you on October 7th!
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