ExpressionEngine 6 Public Beta 3
11/5/2020 / By Andy McCormick

11/5/2020 / By Andy McCormick
With the release of Beta 3 of ExpressionEngine 6, we wanted to highlight a few of the more important updates.
For starters, you’ll notice there’s a new Entries Listing page. It’s been redesigned in an effort to greatly increase the usability of this page. You can also clear individual filters, as well as control which columns are displayed, and in what order.
By default, we now hide the ability to enable PHP in templates. To enable PHP in templates you will now have to first set the
$config['allow_php'] = 'y';
in order to have the option to enable PHP in a template. If ExpressionEngine finds that PHP is already enabled for a template during the upgrade to v6 (or from previous Beta 6 releases), this config variable is automatically set to ‘y’. We did this to ensure the ease of use and to keep it from being a breaking change. For more info on this, see the docs
Blacklist / whitelist Module and associated libraries have been renamed to block / allow. Please note, this is also backwards compatible and will not break existing config settings. We do encourage people to update them accordingly.
New default error message templates have been added. This brings them more in line with the EE 6 styles. The default templates can also be overridden in the template manager.
The styling of one-click updater has been fixed, but won’t be seen until beta 4, as it gets downloaded in this beta release.
We’ve also pushed a large update to the Control Panel styles and display elements commonly used in Add-ons. This will make the process of upgrading add-ons from ExpressionEngine v5 to v6 easier, since the styles being used fall more in line with the new Control Panel without having to make additional changes.
There’s a lot more to this release that hasn’t been called out in this blog post. Please check out the changelog below to see all of the changes or check out the docs for more details.
Enhancements 🚀
config override now needs to be set in config.php to be able to enable PHP in templates.upload_file_name_blacklist
config override renamed to upload_blocked_file_names
and {base_path}
by default when creating new Upload Directories.exp_sites.site_pages
data type has been changed to MEDIUMTEXT.system/ee/legacy
folder to system/ee/language
.Documentation 📝
key to add-on-setup.php file.allow_php
config override.Bug Fixes 💃🐛
tag would cause rendering issues.Packet Tide owns and develops ExpressionEngine. © Packet Tide, All Rights Reserved.