Hello there
I’m using the nifty ext.gallery.cat extension. The problem I have is that the gallery is only being partially displayed. By this I mean that each image’s dimensions are being accounted for and a holder is appearing at the correct size. The Entry Title is also being displayed, but the images themselves are not appearing.
In the status bar, the following is appearing:
The path to the image itself is not being found…how can this be?
The following code is what I have popped into the template. Admittedly, I did copy the essence of it from elsewhere, but I haven’t heard of any similar problems:
<div id=”project_gallery”> {exp:gallery:entries gallery="gallery" category="{thumbs_id}” orderby=”date” dynamic=”off”} {entries} <div class=”thumb”> “]_ {thumb_url} width=”{thumb_width}” height=”{thumb_height}” alt=”{title}”_ </div> {/entries} {/exp:gallery:entries} </div>
Any ideas?
Hi! Same problem in a project of mine, Try this:
{exp:gallery:entries gallery="gallery" category="{thumbs_id}” orderby=”date” dynamic=”off”} {entries} {row} <div class=”thumb”> “]_{thumb_url} width=”{thumb_width}” height=”{thumb_height}” alt=”{title}”_ {/row} </div> {/entries} {/exp:gallery:entries}
Worked for me.
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