You tried the very first version too, right? Maybe there’s still a reference to that in your database which messes up things. I reproduced your error by changing the class value in the DB from ‘Akismet_check’ to ‘Akismet’. The old akismet extension is obsolete, so all references should be gone. Try and run this query from your SQL manager:
DELETE FROM exp_extensions WHERE class = 'Akismet';
That should delete the record from the database and clean things up.
Lodewijk, I’ve been looking at Aksimet & it gets a lot of very positive comments, so thanks a lot for making it available for EE!
I was just wondering if the 1.5 release of EE introduced the appropriate hooks you need for managing trackbacks via your extension/module combo, and if so if you had any plans of incorporating trackback protection into the combo? 😊
I was just wondering if the 1.5 release of EE introduced the appropriate hooks you need for managing trackbacks via your extension/module combo, and if so if you had any plans of incorporating trackback protection into the combo? 😊
I just checked the appropriate file for new extension hooks, but alas… Nothing there. As long as they remain absent, I won’t be able to add trackback protection to the Akismet combo.
So, dev-crew, if you can find the time to add some hooks in cp.trackbacks.php (preferably in the function receive_trackback()), that would be grrreat. Yeah.
I have been using this extension for about a week and it works amazingly well … thank you!
I do have one question/concern …
I am getting more and more comment spam that leaves my own URL in the URL field. IOW, my blog is at … and I am getting comment spam that lists in the URL field. My guess is they do this to try and get through spam filters, and leave their sites for the actual comment text. Until today, I’ve been “marking as spam and submitting to akismet” without hesitation. Today, I thought that I might be shooting myself in the foot by submitting spam that includes my URL as part of the spam. If Akismet learns from new submissions, surely it is learning that m URL is part of spam. This is not good.
What I’m wondering is if the extension can be modified to strip out any references to OUR OWN blogs before/during submission to Akismet in order to prevent possible false positives in the future?
Hope this made sense … had to type it quickly. 😊
So, I’m busy updating the Akismet combo, and immediately I run into a problem: there is no native trackback moderation algorithm in EE. No way to open or close a trackback. Which is a shame, because now I can’t process trackbacks the same way I do with comments. I can see two options:
Check trackback, if Akismet thinks it’s spam, bail out and do nothing. No record of the blocked trackback, but also no hassle. This is done in a jiffy.
Create an identical table exp_trackback_moderated
(or something), and if the checked trackback is considered spam, save it in there, and use the module to manage the caught trackbacks. This would take more time (which I’m short on already… :( ) and somehow a whole table to mimic that which can be done with one simple attribute seems like overkill to me…
Let’s hear your thoughts about this, people.
Speed and option 1 work for me. 😊
I’ve had no false positives on plenty of comment spam since I started using Akismet. I’m comfortable enough that I’m willing to risk a false positive on a trackback in order to get help with the volume of trackback spam we receive.
The long-term answer should be another feature request to integrate the attribute you need w/trackbacks … and lots of begging for a quick release of the new build.
Thanks for your work whatever you decide.
Be well, Michael Cage
I realize it would be a lot of trouble, but option 2 would be great if you can get around to developing it. I’d say go with option 1 to start and then see if you can manage to add in option 2. Of course it might be easier to ask the devs if they could put trackback moderation into EE as well. 😊
Well, I finally got round to upgrading the combo. I went for option #1 for now. Download version 1.0 from my site
Can this feature be used instead of Bad Behavior 2 plugin? Can I delete the BB2 plugin? 😊
Although the result might be the same, Bad Behavior and Akismet work in different ways. This combo was not meant to be a replacement for BB2, so I’d recommend to use both. One can never have enough weapons to battle all the spam, methinks. 😊
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