Solved! Iain, thanks a million - you were absolutely right! It turns out that I had a few old entries in the weblog I’m using for the Tome module that weren’t assigned to a category. I deleted them and it works great, (regardless where the menu appears in the code 😜 )
I guess it was throwing off an ‘entries count’ somewhere in the module/plugin.
I have successfully set up a site by using
{exp:weblog:entries weblog="developers"}
, but have yet to get it to work with the “category” tag everyone is talking about.
{exp:weblog:entries category="developers"}
What could I be doing wrong? Everything works just fine…. I just have to use “weblog” instead of “category”.
earph, looks like they’ve moved the wiki docs for the module.
its now here:
mark, can you could update your first post link please.
earph: weblog=”developers” is a required parameter for the weblog:entries tag. Also in normal usage, the category parameter only accepts a category id (a number).
Note also that a weblog entries tag will filter the entries by a category that appears in the URL.
The code mentioned above in this thread is specific to a plugin for Mark Huot’s Tome Module.
Hope that helps…
Hi folks,
Apologies if I’m missing something obvious, I’m quite new to EE. Any help greatly appreciated.
I’m having trouble getting the Tome module to display dynamic content using the “make dynamic” checkbox. I have set up a page displaying all the hyperlinked titles of the dynamic articles, but can’t figure out how to display the full body on the subsequent page.
The limit=”1” parameter always displays the last entered article rather than the one specified in the URL. I have made a separate weblog which is ticked as “dynamic” in Tome and uses a separate template to display both the contents page and the article body page based on whether seg_3 exists:
{if seg_3 == ""}
{exp:weblog:entries weblog="{my_weblog}" disable="categories|member_data|pagination|trackbacks" rdf="off"}
<h3><a href="http://{title_permalink=">{title}</a></h3>
{if seg_3 != ""}
{exp:weblog:entries limit="1"}
<h3><a href="http://{title_permalink=">{title}</a></h3>
Here is the url of my dev page - try clicking through to the full article - it always comes back with article_2, even when you click article_1:
Yes, sorry - seg_3 is simply the variable I’m using in accordance with the Tome wiki instructions ( in order to get back the functionality of the built-in “segment_3” variable. All I’m trying to do there is state that if that third URL chunk exists then we want to display the entire article, and if it doesn’t, it should be a list of hyperlinked titles.
The variable values are listed at the bottom of the page, including seg_3:
Thanks Mark, no joy with that unfortunately.
I have managed to get the full article to display by pointing the url directly to template group/template/entry:
<a href="http://{title_permalink=">{title}</a>
thanks, James
The url of the summaries page here is set to use the contentArticles template:
I’m beating my head against a wall here and I hope someone familiar with the Tome module can offer some insight. I’m new to EE but have become rather familiar with it over the past couple weeks.
All of the examples of navigation I’ve seen using the “static_tome_path” expression are either global nav lists (starting from page=”0”) or hard coded specific subsection lists (hardcoded to start at page=”n”). This requires creating a local navigation template for every section in a site and prohibits the end-user from adding sections and subsections without a developer’s help.
Is there any way to determine what the current page # is to then use it in the “static_tome_path” expression like so:
{exp:static_tome_path direction="post" nested="false" page="{current_cat_id}" depth="2" show_empty="no"}
This would allow us to have only one navigation template for navigation within a section. Thanks!
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