I’m looking to create a membership site that will allow companies to apply for an account so they can view protected content. Once the application has been received and vetted they will be added to EE as a member and given their access details.
What I would like to achieve is to allow each company to create and manage their own members giving them access to the protected content. I have done some testing with members and member roles but when I login as a company I can see all other companies and members that I haven’t created.
Is this something that can be natively in EE using member roles or are they any 3rd party add-ons that offer this functionality.
Thanks Wayne
I’ve been trying to think of a way to make this happen with native roles, but I can’t think of anything. Unlike Channels and File Upload Locations, there are no permissions that would allow only certain roles to access a specific role. I think this would make a good feature request though if it’s something you think would be of use to others: https://github.com/ExpressionEngine/ExpressionEngine/issues/new?assignees=&labels;=&template=3-feature-request.md
I also have a similar requirement, basically have sub-accounts, one member can have their own sub-accounts under his management.
Sadly, this is not something supported natively, and you would need to create external code and save the relationships and permissions also in a separate table to be able to deny or grant access to the specific template/content.
This can’t be done directly on EE as there is no concept of sub members or relationships between them.
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