I was using your extension in my SAEF and everything worked perfect. To make it work I just called the “modify_post” method with the “weblog_standalone_insert_entry” hook.
When I updated to 1.6.1(I think that was the reason) it stopped working. After banging my head a lot I found that the array “$submitted_mrel” is empty (it’s actually not empty, the array structure still exists, only the values are empty) when it is accessed in the method “submit_relation” so commenting out “unset($POST[“field_id”.$field[“field_id”]]);” around line 398 fixed it again.
It’s just that commenting out that line doesn’t feel very safe, so for certainty I duplicated the method just for the saef hook.
Now my question is if you have any idea why that array suddenly is empty and if it is safe to just comment out that line?
Thanks! I’ll look for that plugin and see if it works. Cheers
Just wondering if you got switchplus working? I just did, having found myself in the same situation as you and it worked a treat.
Details are here - you can see my code in that thread, but as it’s relevant here too…
{exp:switchplus values="1|2|3|4|5"}
{related_entries id="services-related"}
<li class="{switchplus}">{title}</li>
The trick is to make sure the switchplus tags are outside of the related entries tags.
Hope that helps. Thanks Mr. Wilson for the plugin : )
Yeah, I’m not getting this to work for 1.6.1. I’m trying to use it for reverse related but it’s not outputting the entries:
{exp:weblog:entries weblog="navigation" status="not closed|test" orderby="title" disable="member_data|pagination|trackbacks" dynamic="off"}
{reverse_related_entries weblog="about" sort="desc" orderby="title"} {title}
Using 1.06 on EE1.6.1 I’m getting a problem with relationships being deselected. If I have an entry where I’ve previously set up relationships and edit that entry then the previously selected relationships are highlighted as expected. If during the edit process I do not complete a required field and then click on the Update button the page refreshes and displays the relevant error message but all my selected relationships are now unselected.
Just wondering generally what would be involved in changing the multi relation dropdown list into checkboxes instead, much as the category checkbox extension works? From a usability point of view it makes so much more sense to me. I’d just love to have checkboxes instead of a dropdown 😊
Thanks Mark, this is just what I was looking for! awesome stuff
Not sure if anyone knows how to fix this yet but I read through the 6 pages after I got the same error as others:
I’m trying to relate a set of alarm batteries with the alarm is goes with within the same weblog of “shopping”
Tried the mod.weblog.php hack as someone says it fixed there problem even though they had php5 (which i believe i have) and that gave me the error below
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in mod.weblog.php on line 3124
Any ideas? many thanks!
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