right… but this misses the point of the extension. what this extension actually solved was the following scenario:
you have a required drop down field. you want the initial state to be NULL (but have a visible label). you want an EE error to fire if they have not made a selection. this makes sure that the users actually select something and don’t use the default value.
You can use the ‘Sarge’ extension by Brandon Kelly for this. The ‘Sarge’ extension allows the use of “label=value” pairs, so you can have: - Please select one… = - i like green = green - i like red = red
The “Please select one..=” option has an empty value so that it automagically, if the field is required, generates the notice (as an added bonus to label=value, the extension also supports [optgroup] grouping 😊 )
EE-forum thread: http://ellislab.com/forums/viewthread/75923/ Info and download page: http://brandon-kelly.com/apps/sarge/
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