I think it would definitely be useful to reorder by Category as well since this module works with weblog entries. I’d imagine that when choosing the weblog there could be a drop down that would ask if you’d like to sort by all, or per category. Then, when reordering it could be broken up into lists depending on how many categories there are.
That would be awesome! Not sure if it’s possible, but I’d love to see it. Great module, Cocoaholic!
I just encountered a major bug when using this module with MSM installs. When you edit the preferences for the module, it deletes all previous reeorder prefs, and only creates preferences based on the weblogs available in your current site. So, instead of checking each preference if it already exists, we blow away all, including those for weblogs on other sites.
I’m working on a fix, where it checks each preferences, first for the weblog setting (if it exists), and then if the settings have changed run an update, or if new settings, run an insert.
Wow, this is good… err Fantastisch. But then, I want just a little more. You do not specify to whether we may modify your work in your copyright notice. May I use this module as a starting point and jump start towards added features I need? I will use it solely on a non-commercial site.
Like a famous burger company once sais: “Oooh, I’m lovin’ it!” And I do!
Currently I’m using the module to arrange the order of the menu and pages in a coda-slider-style website, where the sorting of the menu links and entries need to be the same, and the admin need to be able to change the order of these in an easy way.
Reeorder did the trick. Tnx Cocaholic 😊
Hi Guys, I have just come across the same Multiple Site Manager (MSM) issue that AJP described above.
It is a really quick fix, so I thought I would share it with everyone.
Basically you need to open the “mcp.reeorder.php” file, search for the “update_prefs()” function, and then replace with this:
function update_prefs()
global $DB, $LANG, $FNS;
// only fetch weblogs assigned to current user
$assigned_weblogs = $FNS->fetch_assigned_weblogs();
$data = array();
foreach ($assigned_weblogs as $val)
$data['weblog_id'] = $val;
$data['field_id'] = $_POST['reeorder_row_'.$val];
$data['sort_order'] = $_POST['sort_order_'.$val];
$DB->query("DELETE FROM exp_reeorder_prefs WHERE weblog_id = '".$val."' ");
$DB->query($DB->insert_string('exp_reeorder_prefs', $data));
return $this->preferences($LANG->line('prefs_updated'));
The change is simple…instead of deleting everything out of the table, we only delete a single row as needed. This means that preferences for the other sites are not touched when you make an update.
Hope that this helps someone, as I was pulling my hair out for a short while there!
PS: this module rocks, so a huge thanks to Cocoaholic!!
This module is awesome!!!
Any chance of getting the ‘automatic update’ option happening soon? I’ve been waiting patiently! 😊
It would be radical to have a number automatically placed into the field when an entry is submitted. Perhaps even depending on sort order; i.e. if it’s sorted asc, the number is 001 and the rest of the list gets updated accordingly. If it’s sorted desc, then it simply gets put at the back of the sort order.
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