Yes, I know EE has great docs…. except for developers looking for class api’s. Specifically, I’m looking at how to create a xml-rpc request using the existing class. Also, is there any docs on other of the classes in the core files? Like the encryption, etc? Or can I safely use CI’s docs as a kind of starting point and hope that things are roughly the same with EE?
Yeah, I have. 😊 Thing is, that documentation doesn’t cover all the core classes. Most are covered, but not all. The Sha1, the two xml_rpc classes, the validate class, and a couple of others aren’t covered. Some, of course, like the actions class, are not meant to be used by developers. Are all the non-documented ones not meant to be used at all? It would be a shame if we aren’t supposed to use the xml_rpc stuff, etc.
Hey vanceone.
We’ve moved this thread out of “tech support” since it really isn’t something we can offer as standard support, but not because we don’t want you exploring them.
To answer your questions, we do our best to keep the development community as apprised as we reasonably can, but its true that not everything is document. That said, if something isn’t in the docs, it isn’t because we don’t intend for you to use it, its just that you might have to read through some code to fully grok it.
So yeah, go nuts with everything you see in there - you’re joining a large, and very capable group of EE users.
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